Quality assurance & environmental policy

Quality assurance and environmental policy

Betongpontoner med Y-bommar

Quality assurance

As a result of Pontech’s business with concrete-pontoons, breakwaters and marinas, we have constituted a process-based quality assurance and environmental policy. The quality assurance policy is according to the demands in the ISO 9001:2000, and the environmental policy is corresponding to the demands in ISO 14001:2004.

  • Our premiss is to always understand and fulfill our customers expectations.
  • Our work shall inspire confidence for us being a professional supplier of piers and pontoons.
  • Our missions are fulfilled with the help of competent, committed coworkers and selected subcontractors, working according to the same principles as we do. We provide services at the right time and in the right place – and always with premium quality.
  • Our business is being carried out according to applicable laws and provisions.
  • We incorporate a sustainability-perspective in all the differents parts of our corporation.
  • Our quality assurance and quality management system is being developed through constant improvements.
Debaser på ponton
Flytande hotell på vintern

Environmental policy

Pontech is to be:

Within the frames of our legal framework regarding current laws and regulations – obey our customers intentions regarding environmentally friendly choices, and to avoid environmentally damaging substances. 

  • avoid unecessary material to minimize waste products, and when it is possible use recycled material in the construction process with our marinas.
  • Sort and recycle the construction waste, in order to minimize unecessary transportations.
  • Use environmentally friendly machines and tools, as well as eco-friendly fuel.
  • Expand our knowledge about environmentally friendly materials and choices, and to share this knowledge with our coworkers, subcontractors and customers.

Continuously educate ourselves within the fields of environmental issues, as well as continuously update our knowledge of changes in the current legal framework. All our coworkers and subcontractor is participating in our practical environmental work. Through frequent improvements, we constantly aim to develop our environmental policy and environmental management system. All our coworkers are responsible for complying to the environmental policy in their daily work.

Contact us


08-403 05 900


031-361 40 30


040-645 33 70